The Big Switch

Rumors were rampant on the web yesterday about a “big announcement” to be made by photographers David Hobby and Joe McNally on their blogs today. The main rumor was that these two dedicated Nikon shooters were going to switch to Canon. That, indeed, would’ve been earth-shaking news, but I was doubtful. Heck, Hobby once wrote the following:

“If [McNally] ever even mentioned switching to Canon there would be a quiet visit in the night involving a loaded syringe or something like that. I’m told Nikon has people very close inside the McNally camp.”

The joint announcement by these two pros turned out to be their upcoming 29-cities Flash Bus Tour. That’s certainly big news for everyone who wants to learn to use speedlights from two off-camera flash-masters.

But there’s more…

I hate to overshadow the tour, but here’s the really BIG NEWS today…

Kiev 15 Tee

Yep, although I’ve been a Nikon shooter all my life, I’m switching to Kiev.

I’m also giving away all my Nikon camera bodies, lenses, and speedlights to the first lucky person that clicks HERE

If you’re wondering why I’ve decided to ditch the brand I was raised on, just look closely at the spiffy, two-tone Kiev 15 Tee. It has many of the features I’m looking for (shutter, lens, etc.) in a compact design. And it’s made in the good old Ukraine, land of 35mm. The only downside with this model is its unpredictable exposures. But hell, you can’t have everything.

Admittedly it’s going to take some getting used to. I did not make the decision overnight to leave the safety of the digital world for the mysterious realm of film. No, I wrestled with this for a full three days, during which time I received a Katrina of emails from Nikon reps begging me not to “abandon ship.”

But what finally clinched it for me was a visit from Богдан Зиновій Михайлович Хмельницький, a plant manager from Kiev, who offered to launch an international print ad campaign based on my brand switch. That, plus a suitcase full of refurbished Tees and a female companion for a weekend and how could I refuse?

I wanted to share with you my first shot with the Kiev: 


As you can see from this landscape there’s a whole world out there just waiting to be captured with this SLR.

Man am I stoked!

More soon. (Let’s hope)